How to write a history essay
Write An Essay Of At Least 200 Words Discussing The Topics You Selected During Your Web Search.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
National Famework Recovery Oriented Mental Health Services
Question: Talk about the National Famework for Recovery Oriented Mental Health Services. Answer: Presentation: Lithium carbonate is a medicine generally utilized in the treatment of bipolar issue. It has been recorded by World Health Organization as a basic drug required in a fundamental wellbeing framework (, 2016). It is utilized in the treatment of the hyper scenes of bipolar issue and furthermore for the support of the patients by decreasing the scenes. The side effects of insanity where lithium carbonate can be utilized are decreased rest need, discourse pressure, misguided thinking and pomposity (Cerimele et al., 2016). Ellen Hawkbridge has the central protest of bipolar issue and it is characterized by hyper scenes that are trailed by burdensome scenes. Directly, she is experiencing the hyper scene and the side effects that she introduced plainly demonstrate bipolar turmoil that needs prompt clinical mediation. She expressed that she don't feel the need of rest around evening time, her discourse is forced and slurred, misguided thinking of garments and cosmetics and her substanc e of musings are pompous and coquettish. For controlling these side effects, she was recommended lithium carbonate and this was the method of reasoning for choice of the prescription for Ellen. Since it is the backbone of treatment for the treatment and support of bipolar issue, in this manner Ellen is relied upon to cling carefully to her recommended prescriptions to keep her hyper scene of bipolar issue leveled out (Cerimele et al., 2016). The significant reactions of lithium carbonate are looseness of the bowels, unusual heart musicality and brevity of breath. The most well-known reactions of the drug incorporate sluggishness, unsteadiness, tiredness and expanded thirst (Licht, 2012). Be that as it may, they are normal and can be overseen by the drug specialist or doctor. The significant symptoms require nursing mediation and treatment. Gentle to direct looseness of the bowels is a significant reaction of lithium carbonate that can get serious relying upon the portion. The nursing intercessions for controlling looseness of the bowels incorporate urging the patient to expand the oral liquid admission that contains electrolytes and to advance the utilization of the unwinding strategy. The method of reasoning behind these nursing mediations is to supplant the lost liquid because of looseness of the bowels and to diminish the nervousness and stress that can compound the runs. The other significant symptom incorporates irr egular heart cadence which can get extreme or even deadly if the patient has a clinical history of coronary illness. Nursing mediation incorporates checking of the essential signs with appraisal of the sufficiency of tissue perfusion and cardiovascular yield and auscultation of the heart sounds, cadence and the nearness of dropped pulsates and additional heart thumps. The method of reasoning for these nursing intercessions is to give prompt treatment to end of dysrhythmia within the sight of elective tissue perfusion and cardiovascular yield. Auscultation of the heart sounds and cadence is accomplished for the recognizable proof of dysrhythmia in the patients who are unmonitored by hearing the dropped thumps and additional pulses (Oruch et al., 2014). Brevity of breath is another reaction of lithium carbonate that can get extreme with the time. The nursing intercessions for brevity of breath incorporate observing of the essential signs, beat oximetry and respiratory status and check ing of the skin shading for cyanosis. Justification for these nursing intercessions is checking of the essential signs and different boundaries can alarm the specialist and the attendant for any adjustment in quiet condition and blue staining or cyanosis shows insufficient perfusion that is a health related crisis (Bschor, 2014). Ellen has been endorsed lithium carbonate 500mg bd and it is a high portion for a lady of 57 years age. Consequently, there are chances that reactions may happen with delayed utilization of the prescription for support of her bipolar issue. Gentle to direct symptoms can be dodged by pulling back the medication or diminishing the measurement. Be that as it may, the extreme reactions require prompt administration and nursing intercession that have been examined. Since Ellen is as of now in a debased condition of psychological wellness, any symptom of lithium carbonate must be managed most extreme clinical consideration. The clinical condition for which lithium carbonate is endorsed incorporates the treatment and support of hyper scenes of bipolar issue. The regular manifestations of craziness are engine hyperactivity, weight of discourse, trip of thoughts, misguided thinking, threatening vibe and forcefulness (Saunders et al., 2016). Since every one of these side effects were a lot of obvious on Ellens nearness in the crisis office, thusly it was apparent that she has not been taking her drugs. She didn't felt the need of rest around evening time, her discourse was forced, noisy and slurred, there was trip of thoughts in her musings and her substance of thought was coquettish and self important. These manifestations emphatically recommended that she has been feeling the loss of her drugs and needs quickly set back to her prescription system. There are different procedures that can help Ellen to hold fast to her medicine and keep her hyper scenes in charge. One system is to organize Psychotherapy for Ellen that will incorporate a psycho-training segment for expanding the comprehension of the sickness and the need of the preventive treatment. Another system incorporates community oriented conversation with Ellen in regards to the favored treatment plan and evaluating the constraints and advantages of the recommended drugs with appraisal of the decency and the accessible treatment alternatives (Bauer Gitlin, 2016). Recuperation standards support legit and open arrangement and conversation between the buyer and professional about the lawful prerequisites. Learning and decision are advanced even in the prohibitive settings that incorporate security and scientific settings. Two recuperation standards can be actualized for encouraging and supporting the self-administration of Ellens drugs. This incorporates upheld or joint dynamic with respect to the hazard the executives and security advancement by considering the tangible regulation techniques for overseeing excitement (, 2016). Since Ellen is in a raised state of mind and her judgment has been debilitated, this must be managed and afterward a joint choice must be taken without anyone else, her significant other Simon and the clinician for self-administration of her medicine. The other technique will incorporate joint development of the administration plans with backslide signature plans and early admonition signs (, 201 6). This will be a joint choice again by Ellen and her significant other Simon alongside the clinician for early identification of the backslide if the drugs are not taken normally and structuring a help plan for holding fast to the medicine system without anyone else the board. These systems will help Ellen for self-administration of her prescriptions by planning plans and adjustment techniques for controlling her raised state of mind and forestall backsliding of the hyper scene. References Bauer, M., Gitlin, M. (2016). Treatment of Mania with Lithium. InThe Essential Guide to Lithium Treatment(pp. 61-70). Springer International Publishing. Bschor, T. (2014). Lithium in the treatment of significant burdensome disorder.Drugs,74(8), 855-862. Cerimele, J., Chwastiak, L., Ludman, E., Ratzliff, An., Unutzer, J., Katon, W., Stephens, K. A. (2016). Bipolar Disorder.Integrated Care: Creating Effective Mental and Primary Health Care Teams, 55-77. Branch of Health | A National system for recuperation arranged psychological well-being administrations: control for professionals and suppliers. (2016) Recovered 18 August 2016, from n-recovgde Licht, R. W. (2012). Lithium: still a significant choice in the administration of bipolar disorder.CNS neuroscience therapeutics,18(3), 219-226. Oruch, R., Elderbi, M. A., Khattab, H. A., Pryme, I. F., Lund, A. (2014). Lithium: an audit of pharmacology, clinical utilizations, and toxicity.European diary of pharmacology,740, 464-473. Saunders, K. E., Cipriani, A., Rendell, J., Attenburrow, M. J., Nelissen, N., Bilderbeck, A. C., ... Harmer, C. J. (2016). Oxford Lithium Trial (OxLith) of the early full of feeling, subjective, neural and biochemical impacts of lithium carbonate in bipolar confusion: study convention for a randomized controlled trial.Trials,17(1), 1. WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines. (2016).World Health Organization. Recovered 18 August 2016, from
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Promotion and Price Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Advancement and Price Paper - Essay Example This paper will take a gander at the special and valuing systems utilized GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Plc in the promoting Advair. Concentrating on the special endeavors of the organization, this report will distinguish the general procedure used by GSK. Next, the more explicit endeavors will be analyzed including the selection of media, content, and the message which is being passed on. This paper will likewise take a gander at the existence cycle phase of Advair and how GSK costs as indicated by this factor. Finally, the fittingness of the limited time and estimating procedures to the advertising blend will be inspected. GlaxoSmithKline Plc is occupied with the creation, revelation, advancement, assembling, and showcasing of pharmaceutical and shopper wellbeing related items around the world (GlaxoSmithKline Plc Profile 2007). In advancing its mission in turning into a trend-setter and pioneer on the planet's pharmaceutical industry, GSK propelled Advair, a mix of Serevent and Flitoxide which offers a long acting bronchodilator and a mitigating in a solitary inhaler (GlaxoSmithKline Annual Report 2005) in 2001. With the organization's forceful and serious advancement exertion, Advair is as of now perceived brand in the treatment of asthma and constant obstructive pneumonic infection (COPD). Among the items in the arrangement of GSK, Advair creates the most elevated income and all out benefit. During 2005, Advair is GSK's hit, posting yearly twofold digit development. So as to help this development, GSK additionally allots piece of its spending plan in Advair special technique. Being a moderately new market item in the market, Advair is propelled and presented using various media like print promotions, TVs, standard mail, web, telemarketing, radio, and purpose of procurement. During the initial 11 months of 2006, AC-Nielsen reports that GSK burned through $120.5 million for Advair. This speaks to 16% of GSK's absolute special uses (Lopatto 2006). Advair Promotion The limited time procedure of GSK has gone far in presenting and improving the situation of Advair in the worldwide pharmaceutical industry. In 2005, Advair is positioned seventh as far as worldwide turnover. There has additionally been an expanded utilized of the item since it was propelled in the COPD showcase in January 2004 (Timmons 2005). Both in Europe and United States, Advair is turning into a main option for the treatment of COPD. Accordingly, GSK is heightening its exertion in promoting Advair as a treatment for this malady. During May 14, 2005 the item is likewise endorsed for the treatment of asthma in youngsters ages 4-11 (GlaxoSmithKline 2006). Advair benefits from the quality of GSK in the treatment of asthma and COPD. The limited time procedures of Advair, consequently, fixates on this center skill. As referenced over, GSK's exertion in the advancement of Advair has been both broad and concentrated, utilizing practically all accessible channels. Advair is by and large advanced as a basic segment of COPD treatment and the best and advantageous decision in asthma treatment. So as to streamline the examination of the message and substance of the advertisemen
Friday, July 31, 2020
Common Characteristics of Generation Y Professionals
Common Characteristics of Generation Y Professionals To some, members of Generation Y, also known as millennials, are liberal, insanely tech savvy, self-expressive, confident, and open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.To others, millennials are overly selfish, narcissistic, lazy, delusional and disloyal to a fault. They are materialistic and care little about civil and political affairs. They are constantly checking their twitter feeds and seeking validation on social media.Regardless of what older generations think of members of generation Y, the truth is that this generation is here to stay, and will form the major part of the workforce in the near future and even become business leaders. Whether you like it or not, you will have to work with millennials.Question is, how do you manage them when they are so different from your generation? How do you ensure that their expectations at the workplace are being met?The key lies in understanding the characteristics that define the generation. Every generation believes it defines th e best characteristics and morals, and it is no wonder that older generations generally think negatively about generation Y. But is there anything positive thing about this generation, and better yet, how do you handle members of generation Y while maintaining your organization’s high performance? Let’s find out.WHO ARE GENERATION Y PROFESSIONALS? According to the U.S Census Bureau, Generation Y is comprised of people who were born between 1982 and 2000. Generation Y members are also referred to as millennials, echo boomers (since they are children of the baby boomers), the net generation, the iGen, or the boomerang generation.This generation grew up in a time characterized by a technological explosion and huge societal changes, so they are significantly different from the generations preceding them.Since they are poised to become the largest segment of the workforce, it would be detrimental for employers to ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this generation. Below are s ome of the general characteristics that define this generation.GENERATION Y IS VERY TECH SAVVY“I’ll send you an email.â€â€œI’ve shared a link with you on WhatsApp.â€â€œCheck out my business on Facebookâ€These are some of the things you might hear in a business conversation with a member of generation Y, and they show the affinity this generation has for technology. Generation Y members were born into a world where technology was quickly becoming ubiquitous. They are digital natives who grew up surrounded by technology such as the internet, personal computers, smartphones, and so on. Because of this, they are very technology savvy, and technology forms a central part of their lives.Many of their daily activities are done online â€" from communication, shopping, learning and entertainment to more intimate activities like checking on friends and dating. This generation also relies on technology to become more efficient at work. They are the generation behind many of today’s innovations â€" think of companies like Dropbox, Instagram, Facebook, AirBnB, and so on. Technology is so ingrained in their lives that lack of access to a smartphone can lead to a condition known as nomophobia or smartphone separation anxiety. Yes, this generation is addicted to technology.As an employer, you should take advantage of your millennial employees’ tech-savviness. Many employers go wrong by trying to prevent millennials from using their personal devices at work. Instead of prohibiting their use, encourage them to use these devices for work.Personally, I use my smartphone for a number of work-related activities, from answering emails, to editing documents on the cloud, organizing their calendars, holding virtual meetings with colleagues, and so on. Allowing your generation Y employees to use their personal devices at work not only helps them increase their productivity, but also shows that you trust them to get their work done without having to constantly monitor them. While technology is ingrained in the daily lives of Gen Y professionals, don’t let it replace all other forms of interaction. Encourage face-to-face meetings when necessary and create opportunities for them to interact informally with other employees, such as taking the whole team out for out-of-office lunches.GENERATION Y PREFERS FLEXIBILITYJack is a baby boomer. For him, work is a very important thing. He worked hard to provide for his family, even if this meant going for weeks without any meaningful time spent with his family. His kids grew up seeing very little of him because he was always at work. The same is true of many others in baby boomer generation.Being the kids that grew up with unavailable parents, millennials have a very different attitude to work. They understand that there is life outside work. They are looking for flexible work environments that will allow them to spend more time with their families and to get involved in other activities outside of work. A good work/life balance is so important that 75% of millennials claim it is the key thing they look for in a job, according to a report by the US Chamber of Commerce.Generation Y employees are not afraid to sacrifice some pay if it means that they will have better balance between work and life, as this research by the Griffith Insurance Education Foundation found out. In other words, they want the option to adjust their work schedule to fit their life, rather than adjusting their life to fit their work schedule. They prefer jobs that give more vacation time and the ability to work outside the office.To older generations, this is narcissistic and represents laziness and a lack of commitment and drive. To millennials, however, this is simply a different way of doing things that allows them to blend their work and life, instead of working and waiting to enjoy their life after retirement.So, how do you ensure that the desires of your Gen Y employees are met when they view work as something t o do between weekends? First, provide them with a flexible work schedule that allows them to have a good work-life balance. The sixty hour work week that worked for their parents will not cut it out for millennials. To provide a flexible work environment, you can have millennials design their own work schedules by letting them choose the time they come to work and the time they leave the office, provided they work for the requisite number of hours in between. You can also provide paid time off as part of the benefits package.If possible, come up a flexible work week where each employee is allowed to work remotely for one day each week. You should also create a fun and relaxed workplace that will make it easier for your millennial employees to enjoy their work. Encourage them to take regular breaks and set up a fun and relaxing breakout area.For instance, at one of the companies I worked for before, we had a break out area with some bean bags, a sofa and a pool table. Having regular day/night outs is another great way to make work fun for millennials.Better yet, think of incorporating the Google way of motivating employees. Finally, encourage your Gen Y employees to work on their own hobbies. This prevents burn out and makes them feel that they are not sacrificing every part of their lives for work.GENERATION Y IS AMBITIOUS AND RESULT ORIENTEDMembers of generation Y were pampered by their parents and taught that the world is theirs for the taking. They have seen young entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg build a fortune from nothing in a few short years. As a result, they are overly ambitious and overdosed on confidence. They believe that there is no limit to what they can achieve. They have high expectations at work. They believe that they don’t need to work for 10 years before being given important roles within the organization.They aren’t afraid of facing new challenges or questioning authority. They want to know that what they do matters. They don’t hes itate to look for opportunities elsewhere if they feel that their expectations are not being met.As an employer, you should encourage the Gen Y professionals’ self-confidence and “can-do†attitude. Don’t stifle their expectations. Instead, constantly provide them with challenges and encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas. Give them several projects and put them in situations that require them to apply their problem-solving skills. When appropriate, allow them to work on projects with senior colleagues.Despite being ambitious and result-oriented, millennials don’t take well to being micromanaged. They want to maintain control over how and when they do their work. Rather than telling them what they should do and what they should not do, describe for them the desired result and leave it to them to figure out how they will achieve it.Brought up with the internet at their fingertips, they grew up figuring things on their own and will probably come up with a better pro cess of achieving the desired results.TEAM PLAYERSMany people from older generations believe that members of Gen Y are individualistic narcissists who will avoid every chance to work with other people if they can. Nothing could be further from the truth. The desire to work in teams is high on their agenda and is something they actually enjoy. Most millennials grew up in environments that foster cooperation and teamwork. Therefore, they are comfortable working as part of a team and prefer the sense of unity and collaboration gained from working as a team.Despite being independent thinkers, millennials want the input, support, and affirmation that comes from working with others. They also know that teamwork is far more effective that division and competition. Having grown in a multi-cultural world, they also have no problem playing a role in teams with diverse coworkers.Employers should take advantage of millennials’ affinity for teamwork. Encourage the teamwork spirit and create a work environment that emphasizes the importance of teamwork. Mentor, train and coach them as a team, and you can expect them to achieve more and better, with all of them focused on team success rather than individual success.GENERATION Y CRAVES ATTENTIONGeneration Y professionals grew up in the age of the internet and social media, where the instant-access feedback cycle is the norm. This has translated into their professional lives, where they want to receive quick and consistent feedback and guidance from their superiors. Millennials want feedback more than any other generation. They want to know that what they are doing matters. They want to be given credit for their skills and talents. They want to know that they are doing well at work.To older generations, this is a characteristic of a self-absorbed generation that wants to receive constant praise for the smallest of things. This is where they go wrong. The need for constant feedback does not mean that millennials want to be pa mpered at work. It means that they want guidance and the reassurance that they are headed in the right direction. They are looking for ways to get even better at their jobs by having their superiors tell them where they are doing well and where they need to improve.To members of Generation Y, managers are a little more than bosses; they are coaches too. They expect managers to mentor them and help them develop personally and professionally. Millennials are a generation that wants to achieve their goals quickly; to do so, they need to frequent and effective feedback to ensure that they are always on the correct path.As a manager, you should understand that your Gen Y employees want to learn from you. They want you to teach and coach them. They are impatient, therefore the traditional yearly feedback sessions won’t cut it. You will need to provide feedback a lot more often. Once every quarter is good. Once every month is even better. Provide them with short term goals and reward the m once they achieve certain milestones. Give them a goal they need to meet and then check with them regularly to ascertain that they are on the right path.Finally, listen to your millennial employees. While they might not have the experience, they are not afraid to think outside the box, and can easily come up with innovative ways of doing business. They want to know they matter to the organization. Ignoring them when they know they have ideas that could improve the business does not sit very well with them.Even though it might take some time getting used to it, make a habit of asking for the opinions of your Generation Y employees and listen carefully to what they say â€" they might give you a truly transformative idea.GENERATION Y IS NOT AFRAID OF CHALLENGING THE STATUS QUOLet us for a moment consider a situation where two employees â€" one from Generation X and the other from generation Y â€" are called into their boss’s office and given a new project. In most cases, the Genera tion X employee will find out exactly what needs to be done and then go ahead to start working the project as he has been told.He won’t question the thinking process behind the project or the suggested approach for the project. He’ll just do what is required and hopefully figure things along the way.The same cannot be said of the Generation Y employee. There’s a high probability that the millennial will want to understand why the project needs to be done, why it needs to be done that way, why it can’t be done another way, and so on.In a traditional work environment, this can the Generation Y employee look disrespectful to his boss. However, this is not being disrespectful. Instead, it is a representation of a generation that has grown up constantly challenging traditional approaches. Driven by impact, millennials want to know that what they are doing counts, and the only way to know that is by asking questions. In addition, they have grown up in a different world than the ge neration before them and therefore look at things from a new perspective that is full of new possibilities.They know that there are new and better ways of doing things and they are not afraid of letting their bosses know what they think will work and what will not. They are ambitious and want to make an impact, meaning they will not hesitate to challenge the current state of things if they think they will make a positive change.As a manger, you should not stifle the seemingly crazy ideas from your Generation Y employees. Actually, you should encourage them to share any ideas they feel will improve the way of doing things. Advances to society and business have always been brought about by people who challenged the status quo. Before the introduction of the iPhone, so called experts said mobile computing would never go mainstream. Unfazed, Steve Jobs ignored these “experts†and introduced the iPhone, starting a revolution that has seen mobile computing overtake desktop computing.T he same way, by encouraging your Gen Y employees to voice their opinions and challenge the status quo, you might chance on an idea capable of revolutionizing your way of doing business.When working with millennials, you should also learn to put your decisions into context. Instead of just saying what needs to be done, explain why it has to be done. Giving them the goal behind the task will encourage millennials to think about the task with the bigger picture in mind and come up with better ways of doing the task.GENERATION Y CARES ABOUT GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITYIn contrast to their reputation of being lazy and narcissistic, millennials are very philanthropic and care a lot about making an impact to the community. They want to feel that their efforts are making the word better for others. Actually, millennials care more about giving back to community than they care about getting a fat paycheck, according to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center.Generation Y employees want t o work with companies that have a reputation for supporting social causes. If you want to attract and retain Gen Y talent, you need to show them that your company cares about more than just profits. You need to have in place programs through which they can give back to the community.You can do this through a number of ways. You might opt to hold company-sponsored events for the benefit of the community, come up with a program that matches their donations to charitable organizations of their choice, or give them paid time off to take part in charitable events.GENERATION Y ARE SERIAL MULTI-TASKERSMillennials are serial muti-taskers. Having grown up with computers and cell phones, millennials are comfortable with doing several things at the same time. They will listen to podcasts while working out or write an article while chatting on instant messenger.If you look around your office right now, you will probably notice a Gen Y colleague talking on the office phone while replying to an e mail on the computer and forwarding something to another colleague on their smartphone.Millennials are good at multi-tasking because they have been doing it their entire life. Instead of getting stuck doing one thing, they want to make maximum use of their time by doing multiple things simultaneously.The ability to do multiple activities at the same time makes Gen Y professionals comfortable in the fast-paced environment of today’s workplace. If you have Gen Y professionals in your team, don’t be afraid to give them multiple tasks. They love the challenge of working on several tasks at the same time, and it might even help to prevent them from experiencing boredom at work.WRAPPING UPGeneration Y professionals have unique characteristics that differentiate them from past generations. At the same time, they will form the majority of the workforce within the course of the next decade, so it important to understand their characteristics so as to be able to effectively work alongside them.While it might seem like they are excessively self-centered and entitled, they have several positive characteristics that make them easy to work with. They also love their jobs and are willing to give it their all provided they know that what they are doing counts.However, it is good to note that, even though Gen Y has its common characteristics, this does not mean that each millennial will behave exactly like the next one. If you find yourself working alongside Gen Y professionals, take the time to understand them individually.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Surrealism Movement in the History of Cinema Free Essay Example, 2500 words
In the film, Alice in Wonderland, the director presents Surrealism by showing acceptable, even mandatory, mad, and rebellious characters and scenarios (Chadwick 2011, p. 41). These aspects relate to the characteristics presented by the sequence in the film, L Age d Or where the director forced the audience to adopt subconsciousness by opposing catholic sex taboo. These aspects are clear in a sequence within the film where we see a troubled young girl suffering from a strange recurring dream and mourning the loss of her beloved father (Chadwick 2011, p. 36). Upon asking her father about the dream, the father told her that all the best people in the whole society including her are indeed mad. This discussion forced Alice to accept abnormality and drove her to adopt restless and rebellious behavior (Chadwick 2011, p. 36). Just like in the sequence in L' Age d' Or, this sequence shows how surrealism movement has influenced contemporary cinema by forcing it to abandon logic. The two sequ ences demean the realist and common perceptions in contemporary cinema by negating the catholic sexual taboo and the normality in the society as seen in L' Age d' Or and Alice in Wonderland films respectively. The two sequences rebels against the position of society and religion on the free consummation of love. We will write a custom essay sample on Surrealism Movement in the History of Cinema or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page As such, surrealism forces contemporary cinema to support modern views on sexual relationships where society and religion should support formal sexual relationships established under the consent of all parties. This influences contemporary cinema to consider individual desires over societal or religious expectations.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mediation Is a Form of Negotiation Free Essays
A Learning Team Charter is a necessary element in managing a successful team. An effective team that aims to accomplish manageable results needs goals, communication, and conflict management. What the team will go through is a process in management and here is where the team charter will show its value. We will write a custom essay sample on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mediation Is a Form of Negotiation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Without a team charter, the team process will at the end of the day falter and fail. The major components of the charter needed to ensure team success includes team goals, system of communication, and most important, a system of settling differences or conflict management. To handle disputes a clause called the â€Å"alternative dispute resolution†(ADR). ADR includes processes and techniques that act as a means for disagreeing parties to come to an agreement. Despite historic resistance to ADR, it has gained widespread acceptance among both the general public and the legal profession in recent years. The most common form of ADR is arbitration. Other forms of ADR are negotiation, mediation, conciliation, mini-trial, fact-finding, and using a judicial referee (Cheesman, 2010). The most effective method that will suit the needs of our learning team is the mediation method. If an agreement cannot be reached during the mediation process, then the arbitration method will be utilized. Mediation is a form of negotiation in which a neutral third party assists the disputing parties in reaching a settlement of their dispute. The neutral third party is called a mediator (Cheesman, 2010). Within a team environment the mediator would be the team members not involved in the dispute. If an agreement cannot be reached during the mediation process, then the arbitration method will be used. In arbitration, the parties choose an impartial third party to hear and decide the dispute. This neutral party is called the arbitrator. The arbitrator in a team charter environment would be the professor of our class. The arbitration process will only be used as a last resort and the professor’s decision cannot be disputed. In most cases there are no disputes that occur in a team environment because all members want to work together to accomplish a common goal which in a classroom situation means getting the best team grade possible. In the rare event that a dispute arises, the ADR process is fast becoming the process of choice in settling disputes. How to cite Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mediation Is a Form of Negotiation, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Romeo And Juliet With West Side Story Essays (677 words)
Romeo And Juliet With West Side Story Shakespeare's is one of the most read writers ever and his writing was so successful that not just one group of people liked it. He did this by relating to his audience using universal truths. . Human emotions are not something that change over time and they are also known as universal truths; love, hate, revenge, and envy are all examples of universal truths. This play was so successful that many other movies have copied the plot but changed the scenery. Over the past 400 years since this play was written the world has changed drastically, but the emotions and feelings in this play have withstood the test of time. This is why the movies, Romeo and Juliet (1996) and West Side Story (1961) were so successful. Shakespeare's play and the two movies modeled after it have many similarities and many differences, but one thing remains constant in all of them, They all use universal truths to relate to their audiences. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a timeless play that concentrates on many different human emotions and reactions. Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story are alike in many ways, they were both very successful in their day. West Side Story is essentially the same play that was revived in 1961. Like Romeo and Juliet, Tony and Maria are of opposite "families", They fall in love and their love is forbidden. Maria is Puerto Rican and Tony is Irish. In West Side Story they don't get married but they do have a torrid love affair. The hate between the two groups was modernized to racism and not as many of the main characters die in West Side Story. One of the major differences is that Maria doesn't die, she is left alone. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet kills herself after she finds that Romeo has perished. Another major difference is that in Romeo and Juliet Romeo kills Paris who is supposed to marry Juliet then himself when he thinks that Juliet is dead. In West Side Story, Tony is killed by Chino (the equivalent of Paris) . Romeo and Juliet has a stronger sense of love and irony. Love is a universal truth that is portrayed similarly in both Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story. Two members of warring groups fall in love. Love is something that we can all relate to in one way or another and it will never change over time. In Romeo and Juliet both Romeo and Juliet have such a strong love for each other that they both commit suicide when the other dies. In West Side Story, Tony and Maria talk of running away and they have such a strong love that they believe that they can end the hatred with their love. Hate is another universal truth that has a strong influence in both of these plots. Everyone has felt hate at one time or another in their life. As it is in Romeo and Juliet with Mercutio and Tybalt, in West Side Story Maria's brother, Bernardo and Tony's best friend, Riff are the focus of hate. These characters could not see past their blind hatred and many others were killed. The original play Romeo and Juliet and the new movie are almost exactly alike in their script, but the interpretation of the dialogue is unique to the actors. One major difference is that at the end of the original play the two families end their feud but in the new movie that is not shown. Irony is when something ends up being the opposite of it's obvious and literal beginning and this change takes out the whole sense of irony that Friar Laurence achieved when he joined the two families. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was such a classic that today it is considered a standard. This story was so well written to please audiences that is was redone over 400 years later and it is still a success. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was also copied to make a musical for Broadway and today it is one of the most famous musicals ever. These were all so victorious because they utilized the universal truths of love and hate which are easily relatable and captivating yet timeless to all audiences both young and old, both then and now.
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