Write An Essay Of At Least 200 Words Discussing The Topics You Selected During Your Web Search.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Do Teenagers And Drugs Abuse - 1196 Words
This investigation has been written for those attempting to help drugs users, with the practical aim of aiding them to improve their work with individuals and to develop their services. â€Å"Teenagers and drug abuse†is highly increase day by day. This study will be conducted to identify the cause of the tendency. My investigation will be based on interview and investigation that some people have done and suggest the way to eliminate this dangerous situation. Is has represents a move away from the over – simple view of drugs users as being either motivated – not motivated to stop using drugs (with the implication that only motivated users can be helped) Introduction ‘Research can be†¦show more content†¦Also there is much debate currently over these issues and I find it very interesting. Aims and objectives The aims of this investigation is to identify why teenagers are addicted to drugs and how dangerous they are and different opinion on them and to find out what helps and advice that can be given to young people. Also to know who are the high common drugs used, what the different types of illegal drugs identify the risk, to recommend how the problem can be solve and what Government are doing to help? There are a number of different purposes of research project. The most common ones are: †¢ To review exiting knowledge †¢ To describe some situation or problem †¢ The construction of something novel †¢ Explanation I have chosen to research on â€Å"Teens and Drug which I feel it is a very important issue within the society and their use increasing within young people Over some years, I have seen some young people taking illegal drugs in the UK and all of them know the side effect of it, for this reason alone I feel that it is vital to further into how they affect one s health life and how unsafe they are really are. They way young people are taking illegal is becoming more popular and apparent in many place like secondary school, college and university student. To carry out this investigation successfully both primary and secondary
Monday, December 16, 2019
Congress Essay Free Essays
More or less zero. The way things look right now, there is no chance that Republicans in Congress are going to feel as if they have any reason to cooperate with Obama. They are going to oppose him on everything important and hope that they can beat him next November President President Obama has recently introduced a number of reforms and job stimulus ideas, all of which have been rejected or tabled by the Republican controlled House of Representatives. We will write a custom essay sample on Congress Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both Obama’s introducing them (knowing they had no chance) and the House rejecting them (knowing an election is coming) were political moves timed to position themselves for running in the strongest possible environment. I think both sides know they cannot fix the economy by next November, so they are trying to impress upon voters who they should blame for it. Obama’s window of opportunity was from 2009-midterm elections in 2010. Unless something seriously alters the political dynamic between now and next fall, Republicans in Congress will â€Å"play to their base,†and thus see compromise as politically lethal. There are very few aspects of Obama’s agenda that stand a chance of getting through Congress, I think My first pick is Franklin D. Roosevelt. He faced so much hardship in his time of office (the Great Depression and World War II). He was elected to rescue the nation from its worst economic crisis ever! FDR exuded hope to people accustomed to despondency. Acting immediately, in his fabled first hundred days in office, FDR enacted much of the framework of his â€Å"New Deal†economic program, which was to get Americans working again, even if it cost the government a fortune to do it. He created agency after agency in an attempt to put people to work. Roosevelt also looked to protect Americans at risk of impoverishment by establishing federal programs to support individuals financially with programs like Social Security and the establishment of a national minimum wage; Roosevelt protected unions with the passage of the National Labor Relations Act. My second choice, which my wife thought I was insane for, is Richard Nixon. Love him or hate him, the late 1960s and early 1970s were all about Richard Nixon. He entered office with the undeclared war in Southeast Asia as the nation’s albatross, and personally directed its prosecution. Without a mandate to do so, he escalated the conflict, and then shifted the emphasis from ground forces to air power, and eventually negotiated with the North Vietnamese. He successfully split the Soviets and the Chinese from Hanoi by playing the two superpowers off against each other, and then initiated the foreign policy objective of Detente to reduce tensions between the East and West. In doing so, Nixon laid the groundwork for much that was to follow. Domestically, he implemented new economic policies and rallied the â€Å"silent majority†to action. The only real threat to Richard Nixon was, in the end, himself. Were it not for his self-inflicted wounds, his presidency would have been seen as an unmitigated triumph. How to cite Congress Essay, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Infective Endocarditis free essay sample
Ariane had her tongue and nose pierced 6 weeks ago. The drug screen is negative. She presents with tricuspid insufficiency murmur grade II, and a temperature of 104 °F. The patient complains of extreme fatigue, and anorexia. The echocardiogram reveals vegetations on the tricuspid valve. What risk factors predisposed Ms. Waters to develop infective endocarditis? Body piercings can be major risk factors for infected endocarditis, especially the tongue piercing since the oral cavity is a main port of entry for the infective endocarditis organisms. Explain the pathophysiology of infective endocarditis as it relates to this case. Endocarditis is a noncontagious chronic infection of the valves or lining of the heart chambers, mainly caused by bacteria, although fungi can also be associated with this infection. To develop this infection, you need to have some bacteria or fungi in the bloodstream. The blood usually does not contain any bacteria or fungi. However, some may get into the blood if you have an infection or wound in another part of the body. We will write a custom essay sample on Infective Endocarditis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In particular, dental and mouth infections are situations where bacteria can quite easily get into the bloodstream. In this case, an infection with tongue piercing would be an easy portal. In time, small clumps of material called vegetations may develop on infected valves. The vegetations contain bacteria or fungi, small blood clots, and other debris from the infection. The vegetations may prevent affected valves from opening and closing properly. What additional clinical manifestations should the nurse include in the ssessment of the patient? The nursing assessment will include monitoring for s/s of heart failure which would include: crackles in the lungs, edema, SOB, cough, changes in VS, jugular vein distention. Small bits may break off from the vegetations on the infected heart valves. These are called infected emboli and get carried in the bloodstream, and lodge in other parts of the body. This can cause various symptoms for example: †¢ Small spots may appear under fingernails, in the eyes, or on other parts of the body. †¢ Infections may develop in other parts of the body. The spleen may enlarge, as it is the main organ that fights off blood infections. †¢ If a larger chunk of vegetation breaks off then it can block the blood flow in a main artery. For example, if it gets stuck in an artery in the brain it can cause a stroke or sudden loss of vision in one eye. What medical management should the nurse anticipate for the patient? This patient will most likely be prescribed IV antibiotics for the first 4-6 weeks (assuming the infection is caused by bacteria). The most common drug therapy would include Penicillin or Cephalosporin. In most cases, the patient is hospitalized for the first few days, and then discharged home for the remainder of treatment. However, if complications to the heart or to other parts of the body develop, the patient may require additional drug therapy for example, medicines to counter heart failure, or erratic heartbeats, should they develop. In only a few cases, surgical intervention is needed. Some operations may include: †¢ Replacing a damaged valve with an artificial valve. †¢ Valve repair if the damage is less severe and repair is possible. Drainage of any abscesses (collections of pus) that may develop in the heart muscle or in other parts of the body. Assessments for infection and heart failure should be continuous. Blood cultures should be negative, VS should be within normal limits and the patient should not be showing s/s of heart failure at the time of discharge. Proper home care teachings will be provided. What nursing management should be provided for the patien t and family? The patient and her family should be taught to monitor for s/s of heart failure (stated above). They should be able to check for heart murmurs and assess VS for sign of infection-especially temperature. She will need adequate rest. The patient and her family should both be educated on aseptic technique to prevent an opportunity for more organisms to enter her body, especially during treatment. Teaching should also include how to administer IV antibiotics safely and care of the infusion site. The patient should be informed on proper oral care –such as brushing twice per day with a soft tooth brush staying away from devices that could contain bacterium.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Roman Colusseum Essays - Violence In Sports, Titus,
Roman Colusseum Architecture of the ancient Roman Empire is considered one of the most impressive of all time. The city of Rome once was home to more than one million residents in the early centuries AD1. The Romans had a fine selection of building monuments in the city of Rome including the forums for civic services, temples of worship, and amphitheaters for recreation and play. The Romans made great use and pioneered great architecture mechanisms including arches, columns, and even mechanical elements in pulleys and early elevators. However, when one tends to think of great buildings, one building stands out in Rome. This building is the Flavian Amphitheatre, or better known as the Colosseum. When discussing such a great monument such as the Colosseum, it is very important to realize the time, place, and culture in wish it stood to fully understand both its form and function. In the beginnings, Rome was both influenced by the Etruscans of the North and Greeks of Italy and South but had its basic roots from a long time of Samnite domination2. The Etruscans were that of an interesting type as described by Peter Quennell: The Etruscans...combined a passionate devotion to the ordinary pleasures of life with a haunting fear of death. They were cruel, too, and deeply superstitious...their victims were ordered to fight among themselves until the last had fallen. The Etruscans would have a strong impression in Roman lifestyles and philosophies. For example, the purple robe worn by leaders would be later adopted by the Romans. They also were the influence which brought gladiatorial battles of sacrifice into the Roman culture. This was a time of blood thirsty humans who loved the site of battle. Even an early christian named Alypius proclaimed that he took away with him a mad passion which prodded him not only to return (to gladatior events) with those by whom he had first been forced in, but even ahead of them and dragging in others.3 This was a time of paganism, which meant sacrifice and death. Early christians were persecuted for their beliefs in the first few centuries. Clearly in Rome, the focus was not only on religion or the emporer, but we have a focus on leisure and activities. It is said that of a three-hundred and sixty-five day year that one-hundred and fifty days were celebrated as regular holidays, with over ninety days given up t o games4. This type of lifestyle would dominate the cities and architecture of the Romans for some time to come. The people of Rome enjoyed theatres, battles, races, baths, comical events, and of course the game of death. There were many forums, temples, and many amphitheaters in the history of Rome, however only a few stand out even today. The Colosseum is the greatest standing building of Rome, and one of the most recognized worldwide architectural achievements to this day. The amphitheater is a type of architecture that was without Greek precedents. This makes sense since its primary purpose was to hold gladitiator fights and brutal shows which were banned in Athens at the time. Such events held in Roman amphitheaters were horseracing, gymnastics, mock cavalry battles, footraces, prizefighting, wrestling, fights between animals, between men, animals and men, and even naumachiae, or mock sea battles5. One of the first amphitheaters was the Pompeian amphitheater of Pompeii of 30 BC. Like the Colosseum, it was oval in plan. It was supported on great masses of solid earth pierced by a broad corridor at each end. Stone seats were added at one time but most spectators sat on the earth or wooden chairs. Although this amphitheater was a great innovation, it would be eclipsed by the Flavian Amphitheater, better known as the C olosseum. The great building although fitting and plain in design to its surroundings of Rome still stood out due to its sheer monstrosity and oval shape. Although the site viewed today is still a marvel, back in the days of its prime it was a spectacular site that would be difficult to apprehend with only words[TVK1]. [TVK2] The city which held the great structure was full of great examples of the use of arches, columns from every order, and of course sheer size. When traveling the
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Cutlers in Colonial America essays
Cutlers in Colonial America essays In the tough times of the eighteenth century, people had plenty of work to do. However, if you lived in eighteenth century America, you had a lot of work to do. Most raw materials and supplies came only on ships and were heavily taxed. Everyone in their community did their share of work in order to stay alive. Colonial trade was important in the economics of the colonies, and Americans saw many different trades in their communities. One of those trades, cutlery, was especially important. Today, cutlery means utensils or tools for eating, but back then, cutlery meant a whole different type of thing. Since most foods were fingerfoods at that time, cutlers saw little use in making forks and spoons. Instead, they forged knives, ax blades, swords, lances, and things of that sort. They even made nail clippers and two-in-one blades! However, to make those things, you need skill and experience in the trade. Most cutlers got those skills from being an apprentice, or working at a trade without pay to see how a job gets done. In eighteenth century New England, living in cities was rough, especially during the revolutionary war. Families usually contained four or more children, and money was tough to earn. People saw opportunity in different trades, and according to their interest in them and the job's difficulty, chose the one they thought would be the best for themselves and their family. People paid for food, clothing, tools, and supplies by exchanging their items for the things they wanted. If one person did not want the thing that a person offered, they would have to find another supplier. At the present time, people exchange money for goods and services, unlike the goods and services offered for them back in the day, although sometimes, it still happens. To get supplies for a trade was tough in the beginning. For example, cutlers either had to mine their own iron and coal or purchase them from Europe. Mini ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Weaving Contest Between Athena and Arachne
The Weaving Contest Between Athena and Arachne While Athena was a friend to Greek heroes, she wasnt so helpful to women. The story of the weaving contest between Arachne and Athena is one of the most familiar myths about Athena, and its central theme is also popular. Greek mythology repeatedly hammers home the danger of comparing oneself with a goddess. The theme appears in the story of Cupid and Psyche, where Aphrodite is offended. While ultimately there is a happy ending, to avert Aphrodites wrath, Psyches family abandons her to death. In the mythological story of Niobe, Artemis punishes the mortal mother for boasting that she is a more fortunate mother than Artemis mother, Leto: Artemis destroys all Niobes children. The punishment Athena inflicts on her capable, but the merely mortal victim is more direct. If Arachne wants to claim to be a better weaver than Athena, so be it. Thats all shell ever be good for. Arachne Suffers a Metamorphosis The Roman poet Ovid writes about the metamorphosis Arachne suffers in his work on transformations (Metamorphoses): One at the loom so excellently skilld,That to the Goddess she refusd to yield, ( Ovid, Metamorphoses VI) In the myth, Athena challenges Arachne to a weaving contest in order to prove herself. The expert crafts goddess Athena is favorably impressed with Arachnes weaving of divine debaucheries: This the bright Goddess passionately movd,With envy saw, yet inwardly approvd.The scene of heavnly guilt with haste she tore,Nor longer the affront with patience bore;A boxen shuttle in her hand she took,And more than once Arachnes forehead struck. Athena cant tolerate the affront to her pride, though, so she turns Arachne into a spider doomed to weave forever. From the unfortunate spider-woman comes the name for the 8-legged creatures arachnids. Bulfinch on Athena (and Arachne)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
NFL New Commissioner Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
NFL New Commissioner Strategy - Essay Example According to National Football League, any cash that NFL take and not channeled to ACS, is used in covering the cost for cancer awareness program, the company is yet to explain where the money is profiting and channeled to. The reasonable cooperation with the media is important to the continuous popularity of the National Football League coaches and players. As a commission, I would come up with the policies that update and review the operating procedures of the leagues. To relive the congestion that exist in the locker, prior to matches, each of the participating clubs need to bring their head coach and a single player to match for an interview before the beginning of the game. The issue of domestic violence has always affected the image of companies such as National Football League. This has manifested itself on the visibility and transparency of the intimate lifestyle for the players. This has brought the issue at center stage for fans and society. It is recommended that the security cameras need to be prevalent, so that their behavior can be captured when the victims think they are undetected and discreet. As a commissioner allow questions on the profitability of the National League Football to distract them from the larger issues and ways where the domestic violence has facilitated the cultural attitudes that players need to work on (Layden, 34). Based on the Breast Cancer awareness the company is yet to provide a report on where the company channels its money. It is unclear on how much half of the items mark-up that is sold directly by National Football League and if the teams goes to ACS at all. This has a negative perception on the image of the comp any. Based on accessing the media, the reasonable cooperation with the media is important to the continuous popularity of the National Football League coaches and players. As a commission, I would come up with the policies that update and review the operating procedures of the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Christopher marlowe, doctor faustus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Christopher marlowe, doctor faustus - Essay Example The use of typical Biblical jargon and tone can be witnessed in the words delivered by both the speakers. Dr. Faustus looks ambitious for embracing the satanic path for twenty four years of his life, where he could be in a position to dominate over others with the help of the evil magic bestowed upon him by Lucifer through his servant Mephistopheles. The author has skilfully thrown light on the intensity of lust and unabated series of desires for the achievement of power, pelf, possession, prestige and pecuniary gains in life, and appears to be unaware of the silent arrival of the death at last. Since Faustus belongs to the lower stratum of society, as the Chorus narrates, he seems to be in a hurry to acquire finances and status immediately by using unfair and even devilish means. Here, the language of the play again points out the spiritual message delivered by Marlowe that this mortal world would certainly end within a jiffy; so running amuck chasing materialistic objects may pave the way towards the horrible trench of curse, humiliation and mortification at last. Thus, Faustus is unable to apply foresightedness and declares hell as Elysium for him. (Line 63) The dialogue between Dr. Faustus and Mephistopheles emphasises upon the very fact that Marlowe maintained unflinching belief in monotheism and unconditional complying with the commandments of the Lord. It is therefore his protagonist admits that the eternal place of the atheist philosophers is not other than the ditch of inferno, where Dr. Faustus would remain forever in the company of the rebels of Almighty God. (Lines 64-67) Hence, Marlowe has applied the same sonorous tone used by John Milton, in the speech made by Satan while addressing his comrades, in his famous Paradise Lost. Thus, the distinguished playwright has pointed out towards the very reality that the rebel angels do never feel shy of their disobedience and rebellion they have raised against the all-Powerful out of the sheer jealousy and m alice for Adam. Consequently, they were tossed in the inferno headlong and still abide by there out of their consent. (Lines 77-78) Marlowe partly admires the steadfastness of the rebel angels which look engaged in enticing the innocent children of Adam and Eve out of their grudge for their first parents. Since the servants of Beelzebub consider it a war against the supremacy of man over them, they display their reverence for the cause of rebellion. It is therefore Mephistopheles prefers Lucifer’s service to the every blessings and bounties offered to him by the Lord. (Lines 79-82) To conclude, it becomes crystal clear that Marlowe has applied philosophical and intellectual language in the Biblical style while depicting the dialogue under examination. On the one side he looks condemning and censuring Dr. Faustus for his obnoxious decision of embracing satanic ways to join the devils in hell, and on the other side he seems to be encouraging and supporting the Lucifer junta for sticking to their cause forever and ever by refuting all rewards and bounties offered by the Lord to the pious and obedient at large. Bibliography Marlowe, Christopher (1592/1994) A Tragic history of Dr. Faustus Dover
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The influence of identity and values Essay Example for Free
The influence of identity and values Essay An individual’s sense of belonging is determined by their relationships with others and their ability to maintain their own strong values and morals whilst conforming to the requirements of the group. Those who refuse to compromise their values for the broader community may find themselves isolated, which in turn may affect their identity. In Shakespeares tragi-comic play As You Like It, the characters form unusual relationships in an alternative environment enabling their true values and morals to be revealed and furthering the development of their identity. In David Frankels film The Devil Wears Prada we see the refreshing nature of displacement from one’s natural environment and how following this alternate path exposes the challenges to one’s identity. Ultimately, both texts reflect the powerful impact of context on forming value driven relationships, resulting in changes to one’s identity and values. An individuals relationship with others impacts upon their ability to belong, revealing the powerful role of values when appealing to the requirements of the group. Some people choose to define themselves through individuality, while others require the presence of others in order to belong. Shakespeare cleverly contrasts the familial relationships between Oliver and Orlando in comparison with Rosalind and Celia in his play As You Like It. The strong connection between Rosalind and Celia condemns them into banishment where the allusion to an impregnable bond is formed, Dearer than the natural bonds of sisters. Their predicament is then juxtaposed with the disconnection between the brothers of Oliver and Orlando, which was created by the mistreatment and inequality experienced through primogeniture. Through emotive language Orlando enforces how the horses are better bred than him, alluding to animalistic treatment of him by his brother Oliver. It is Rosalind and Celias choice to depend on each other and therefore follow one another into banishment, when Celia claims through hyperbole she cannot live out of her company. However, in comparison Orlando chooses to be true to his values seeking individuality and independence from his negative relationships with Oliver. His destructive relationship with Oliver is due to a power imbalance and pure greed, driving Olivers actions. Orlando exposes Olivers mistreatment through the bold statement I will no longer injure it, foreshadowing future uprisings and further conflict in the play, before peace can be restored. The play reveals how the relationships between people can shape an individuals idea of themselves, affecting their ability to belong, whether belonging is gained through the positive connections or through the withdrawal from negative experiences. While place can nourish an individuals sense of belonging, it is dependent on ones values and relationships to determine which environment one chooses to connect with. Frankel’s film The devil Wears Prada develops two opposing settings, Andy’s personal life based around family and friends, such as homely Nate, in comparison to the elite fashion magazine Runway, whose editor in chief Miranda lives a more sophisticated life. In the scene following Andy’s arrival, her naivety leads her to question â€Å"who is Miranda?†in an innocent and unknowing tone, highlighting her ignorance of the fashion world. Andy’s personal values of justice continue to question the ethics and morals of the company when she smirks at the superficiality and triviality of Miranda and Nigel’s model preparations for the magazine. The Mid-shot with an eye level camera angle juxtaposed with the immediate full length body image to highlight Andy’s lack of appreciation for physical appearance, suggests Andy seeks importance in her personal values and morals rather than from looks. Similarly to Rosalind, Andy relies on her values and morals in an environment where she is isolated and alienated, in order to seek a sense of belonging. Andy’s initially strong relationship with Nate too determines which environment she chooses to connect with. Andy shows how her priorities change when she forms a flirtatious bond with Christian and misses Nate’s birthday. Nigel foreshadows â€Å"when your life goes up in smoke it’s time for a promotion†supporting the shallow ideas promoted by the fashion industry. The cake’s candles are blown out and the smoke rises exposing Andy’s sacrifice of her relationship in order to belong to her chosen environment. Thus, one’s values and relationships can have both a destructive and enriching effect on an individual’s sense of belonging to place – although Andy loses her connection to home and Nate, she gains one with Miranda and the Runway magazine. A connection to place enriches an individual’s sense of self, which can be altered or affected by the harsh realities of their current environment. As You Like It creates two alternative settings with the play, the envious court with the personification of the court to convey its hostility and the Forest of Arden, as a romantic idealized setting. When Rosalind is living in the court, she is deprived of her knowledge and perceived with lesser importance through the alliteration of bountiful blind woman, confirming that the world is unfair. juxtaposed when she is banished to the Forest of Arden, where she has to sacrifice her identity as a woman and disguise herself as Ganymede, she is able to expose her true morals and values. Similarly, the court conveys its hostility when the alliteration and plosive p in painted Pomp emphasizes the harshness of the court, is contrasted with Duke Seniors rhetorical question are not these woods more free from peril than the envious court? Illustrated as a place of nurturing, healing and change, the forest is shown through the courteous tone Oliver uses when he says Good morrow fair ones. Thus, it was truly the forest that encouraged this sense of renewal and enlightened him upon his developed identity. With the accumulation and onomatopoeia cleverly showcases that Duke Senior feels secure in himself and his environment when he states tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones and good in everything. Ultimately, an environment can both enrich and challenge ones sense of belonging, yet overall it will formulate an individuals identity through the changing of morals and values. An act of displacement from the individuals homely environment can expose ones dynamic identity and varied sense of belonging. When protagonist Andy is displaced from her natural, everyday life and directed to work as Miranda Priestley’s assistant, her changing identity greatly impacts on her sense of belonging within the environment. Andy tolerates Miranda’s humiliating treatment in the hope of receiving a job as a reporter or writer somewhere more prestigious. The photo montage of Andy’s new and fashionable clothing suggests she compromises her integrity and values in order to gain experience and a reputation at Runway, evident when Andy forgoes her former values for shallower, superficial ones, related to fashion and sex appeal. Antagonist Miranda represents values of superficiality and ruthlessness when she exclaims â€Å"you have no style or sense of fashion†preclude love and happiness as the key values of human existence. However, Miranda’s influence on Andy can encourage her to choose to align herself with values that do not represent her true identity, such as love, family and personal life. When Andy’s true values are juxtaposed with what Miranda has to offer, which means being lonely and isolated, Andy is forced to re-engage with her original values and rekindle her relationship with Nate, re-establish her familial and personal connections, which ultimately convey her real identity. Ultimately, the film reveals how the consequences of displacement can affect an individual’s connection to their environment, forcing the realisation of an unrealistic identity, encouraged by negative experiences.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Factory Farms and Animal Cruelty Essay -- Religion Morals Animal Right
Factory Farms and Animal Cruelty Imagine that Christ meant these words literally. Imagine that accepting Christ as your personal savior required lunching with him. Of course, if Christ were coming over today for lunch, you would probably dust, vacuum, adjust the pictures on the walls, pick your best outfit, comb your hair, jot down a few questions about heaven. But what would the two of you eat? Would you serve Christ fried chicken? How would you feel about setting a plate of steaming, sizzling pork chops in front of your savior? A few hard-boiled eggs wouldn't hurt, right? Maybe a glass of milk to wash it all down? For many Christians, faith has little to do with what's in the fridge. Lunch with Christ would raise issues far more problematic than choice of food. However, I propose that if the above-mentioned foods came from modern factory farms, Christ would not eat or drink them. I will argue that Christians are obligated to be morally concerned about animals, and that this obligation brings Christians into moral conflict with modern factory farms. Furthermore, I will argue that Catholic Social Teaching (hereafter "CST") should emphasize a theocentric basis for such obligation and conflict. Rethinking Aquinas: Why Animals Matter Some Christians think the words "animal rights" smack of wacky liberalism or of sentimentality. Such thinking presupposes that animals are not proper objects of moral concern. After all, in Genesis God commanded Adam to rule over creation. God gave Noah "everything that lives and moves" for food (Gen. 1:28). Therefore, according to this way of thinking, animals exist exclusively as means to human ends. This position, which I call the Utility Thesis, does agree with some traditional Ca... ...nson, Andrew. Factory Farms. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991. Linzey, Andrew. Introduction. Animals on the Agenda. Ed. A. Linzey et al. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998. ---."The Theos-Rights of Animals." Animals and Christianity. Ed. A.Linzey et al. New York: Crossroad, 1990. Paape, Max. "Researchers Develop Effective Mastitis Treatments." Agricultural Research Service. 14 Jul. 2005. United States Department of Agriculture. 1 Nov. 2004 http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/np/ha/han15.htm Regan, Tom. Introduction. Animal Rights and Human Obligations. Ed. A. Linzey et al. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976. Regan, Tom. "A Reply to Griffiths." Animals and Christianity. Ed. A. Linzey et al. New York: Crossroad, 1990. Wojtyla, Karol. "On Social Concern." Catholic Social Teaching. Office For Social Justice. 1 Nov. 2004 www.osjspm.org/cst/srs.htm
Monday, November 11, 2019
Is Migration Beneficial for Countries?
Countries largely benefit from migration As globalization increased the gap between the rich and poor countries, migration has become an urgent and debated issue to be solved. To answer the question whether migration is good for the countries or not, we have to define what this term mean. Migration means to go from one country, place or region to another. Although the inhabitants of host countries don't always realize the good aspects of migration, saying the majority of immigrants are leeches reducing the standards of living, migration has it's benefits both for the host country and for the country of origin.At first, it has a huge impact on education. Allowing permanent residence can be tempting for talented youngsters who later become quality workforce. For instance, American universities have always been the melting pot of extraordinary students: the percentage of international students enrolled at Harvard University is about twenty percents. More qualified workers products more capital. It has become clear that after a start-up period immigrants contribute to tax collections, labor and the production just as much as a native born citizen.If we talk about labor we must not forget that immigrants are more likely to start a new business in a country than natives which can also boost the productivity and creates new jobs. When it comes to safety, immigrants are often handled as people with immense willingness to commit crimes. In contrast, numerous reports have determined that legal immigrants have an incarceration rate multiple times lower than the general population. Another significant and positive effect can be the diversity that is brought by immigrants resulting a prospering and booming cultural life including arts, architecture and gastronomy.From the viewpoint of the country of origin emigration can reduce the pressure on resources (water or food scarcity) and can reduce the tensions in between ethnic groups. Migrates can form a powerful diaspora in th e host country which can represent the interest of the country abroad easily. Remittances sent back home by migrates also make a contribution to the economy of the country of origin. As a conclusion, migration means new blood, new investments and new opportunities for every country.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Is the belief in God rational? Essay
â€Å"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God†(Psalm 14:1, KJV ) â€Å" He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water†(John 7:38, KJV) As per Holy Bible, in the beginning, when there was no form, God had worked for six days in creating heaven and earth, â€Å"God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good†(Genesis 1:31 KJV). On seventh day, God ended his work and took rest. The very existence of earth, sun, moon, sky and stars are the resemblances of God’s work which are working without the intervention of human science which produces a fact there is a supernatural strength of spirit beyond the recognition of human knowledge and understanding. Accepting the fact that who believe in God is a theist and a non-believer is an atheist, each must have own justification of epistemic beliefs or non-beliefs on God with supportive arguments, irrespective of religion whether it is Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam or Christianity. Theists are fundamental believers on God and atheists draw scientific conclusions and explanations that God is unnecessary. Buddhism and Hinduism have a unique identity in explaining about atheism and also about the rationality about belief in God and so also the religion of Islam. Christianity as a religion, propagates Jesus Christ as God with a strong evidence of empty tomb and also taking the evidence of miracles performed and teachings quoted in four gospels of New Testament. According to Apostle Paul Jesus was â€Å" declared the son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead†. (Romans 1:4). The above concludes an opinion that God is a supreme being who is omnipotent and omnipresent, creator and ruler of the whole universe for Christianity scriptures are the proof of God. Belief or non-belief on God is based on a personal life experiences and the interaction with inner soul and God. A view at Old Testament of Holy Bible reveals some of the facts that God did communicate with Adam, Eve, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses was commanded by God to divide the red sea and to lead the Israel out of bondage from Pharaoh. The rationality behind the above, produces a strong evidence that the presence of God always surrounds the earth and this supernatural force controls the entire universe. This is a fact for those who believe and who listen to the voice of God. According to the Holy Bible, the seed of disbelief on the existence of God is none other than evil force which transforms the human minds who get carried away into material facts of the world and become the cause of self-fall. Conclusion Belief on God is good and is rational, as it is stated in Psalms â€Å"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom†. Human knowledge, development and wisdom are the gifts of God who is an embodiment of kindness, mercy and wisdom. If King Solomon asked for wisdom to lead kingdom, Moses asked for accuracy in speech to communicate with people, each according to the wants and desires, were offered gifts by God. This was made possible only by God and for believers the history of past glories of God is the holy grail to carry and move on. Reference Gregory Kouki (2001), It is rational to believe in God? Accessed on 21 February, 2007
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Not mine Essays
Not mine Essays Not mine Essay Not mine Essay Record some examples of connotative diction from the first two paragraphs of the chapter. What is the effect of this diction on the reader How does Douglass experience with Mrs.. Laud show the corruptive influence of slavery on the slaveholder Explain, here, the style of teaching in the Columbian Orator that helped Douglass to improve his reading. What was the moral that he gained from the book Comment on Douglass mental state as he reads and thinks about this book on pegs. 1-52. Douglass writes that he eavesdropped on other peoples conversations and soon The light broke in upon me by degrees. What does he mean Look on page 53-54. Write concrete support here. What does the author want you, the reader, to think about him in this chapter What else does he learn to do in this chapter How does he do it Dialectical Journal for Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, chapter 8 Note Taking summary of chapter 8. Note Making Write a short Give the chapter a title. Why does Douglass begin the chapter with such specific information about his masters family Find evidence, erectly stated on page 58, that Why does Douglass use a series of coordinated supports his major claim about slavery. (paired) nouns to present this evidence What is the effect on the reader On page 59, Douglass contrasts his feelings about being sold with those of the other slaves. Record quoted evidence here. Why do you think he added this commentary Douglass lament over the treatment of his grandmother is possibly the most emotionally portion of the bookie examples of diction and phrases that reveal his anger. Pages 61-63) Comment on Douglass sax. N. Y intelligence when he leaves Baltimore for SST. Michaels. How old is he at this point in the book Dialectical Journal for Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Chapter 9 Note Making Write a short summary of chapter 9 chapter 9 and write it here (five or six sentences) Think of a title for (this is like a main idea) Give s ome text examples (quotes) of the indignities that Douglass suffered when he went to live with Thomas Laud. What was the character flaw in Thomas Laud Comment here on the qualities necessary for a leader, that made him especially depraved even a slaveholder, to earn respect from their subjects or slaves. How did his finding religion make him even Think off level 3 question about this. Have you read or worse studied any thing else that showed this phenomenon to be true Douglass names many Methodist preachers who were like Thomas Laud. What purpose is served by this and Why does he include an exception, Mr.. Conman Comment on Douglass use of religion in this chapter. Is his tone negative toward religion How does he use it in this chapter to illustrate his main theme Dialectical Journal for Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, chapter 10 Note Making Write a short summary of chapter 10 Think of a title for chapter 10 and write it here (five or six sentences) (this is like a main idea) Give some partial quotes that describe Covey. Consider how Coveys behavior with his slaves What was his forte further supports Douglass main theme. In other words, how could Covey hinder his own success as a farmer On pages 83-84, Douglass writes an apostrophe, that is, a speaking out of the story to someone or something that isnt there. Write partial quotes here to record who he is speaking to. Consider why he does this. Is there any change in his mood after this lament Find the antithesis on page 84 that truly divides the chapter, and write it here. What happens in the narrative after this point What is Douglass epiphany (92-93) How is Christmas especially sad for the slaves Why do you think Douglass uses this bridge or connection between his experience with Covey and his life with his new master, Mr.. Freehand Dialectical Journal for Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, chapter 10, continued Note Making Write the quote on page 99 in which Douglass characterizes the religion of the south. Do you think he is anti-religious Why or why not Why do oh think Douglass feels it is important to include the names and behaviors of religious people in his narrative, especially in this chapter Find a quote on page 101 that has several parallels and some alliteration, too. Write it out here. Why does Douglass structure this information with such rhythm and emphasis What purpose does the passage on his Sabbath school serve in this chapter Do you think Mr.. Freehand is a real character On pages 120-121, how did Douglass experience with Covey prepare him for his Job as a ship builder at Fells What event at the happier actually turns his Point rough experience there too positive result On page 125, find the quote that illustrates Douglass revelation about the contented slave. The end of this chapter might help you see hydraulics was not sold after his first escape attempt. How did he avoid this fate Dialectical Journal for Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, chapter 1 1 Making Write a short summary of chapter 1 1 11 and write it here (five or six sentences) Note Think of a title for chapter Why is Douglass critical of the underground railroad Record evidence here that shows Douglass experience with Mr.. Covey to be useful in Douglass confrontation with Hugh Laud Why is Douglass description of his escape so brief Ironically, how did Douglass experience as a slave in the southern shipyards aid him once he was free Record the observation that most astonished Douglass when he arrived north. What did he expect Why do you think Douglass includes an anecdote about traitors who were former slaves How does Douglass become involved in the abolitionist movement the Life of Frederick Douglass, Appendix Dialectical Journal for Narrative of Note Making Write a short summary of the appendix he appendix and write it here (five or six sentences) idea) What motivated Douglass to write this appendix (this is like a main Find three hyphenated epithets on page 150 that seriously indict religious southerners. Is he successful in his purpose for this appendix Find several examples of loaded biblical How would you describe the tone of this paragraph diction in the first paragraph of page 154. What is the parody that concludes the book Other than to criticize southern Christians, what purpose is served by including this hymn Think of something that isnt stated outright, but implied simply by including this satire.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Automotive Industry in Slovakia Essay Example for Free
Automotive Industry in Slovakia Essay 2. Describe the industry and explain why you have chosen that one (Porter’s five forces). The automotive industry is a big term; indeed it is used to describe a large range of companies and organizations engaged in the development, design, manufacture, marketing, and selling of motor vehicles. The automotive industry is one of the world’s most important economic sectors in terms of revenue. The automotive industry is one of the biggest industries in Slovakia with big manufacturers such as Volkswagen, PSA Peugeot- Citroà «n and Kia. Porter’s Five Forces are used to examine the attractiveness of an industry. It is done by observing five forces which influence that industry. The five forces are; 1. The threat of new entrants 2. The bargaining power of customers 3. The threat of substitute products 4. The bargaining power suppliers have 5. The intensity of the competitive rivalry This is generally a very low threat. Factors to examine for this threat include all barriers to entry such as upfront capital requirements, brand equity, legislation and government policy and the ability to distribute the product. A new entrant will also have to adapt he’s cars to the customers habits, e.g. bigger cars in the US than in Europe. 2. The bargaining power of customers: There are so many cars to choose nowadays. The main factors that affect the customer’s choice to purchase a car or not are: * The appearance * Quality * Price * Environmental effect Customers like to have the latest brand new looking car on the market. The quality of the car will be an important issue in the choice. The car has to be efficient, which means a safe and less consuming car. Due to all the competitors you find in the market, customers will be able to purchase a cheaper car at a good level of quality. Car manufacturers are also building environmental friendly cars; indeed, they have to take into consideration all the environmental problems we are having nowadays. A car will be purchased depending on the lifestyle of the buyer. 3. The threat of substitute products There are very low substitute products, indeed apart from the second hand business where you are able to purchase older cars at lower prices than the new ones or a city/country with very good public transportation, bicycle lanes that would allow you to move in a different and cheaper way than our usual cars you will not find any other substitute. 4. The bargaining power suppliers have: In the car industry this refers to all the suppliers of parts, tires, components, electronics, and even the assembly line workers. Suppliers usually have very low power, indeed, each manufacturer has many suppliers. Toyota has more than 10 different suppliers in the US which means car manufacturers do not rely at all on the suppliers but the suppliers rely on the manufacturers. 5. The intensity of the competitive rivalry In most countries all carmakers are engaged in fierce competition. All major car-producing nations experience this intense rivalry. This obviously includes the US, Japan, Italy, France, the UK, Germany, China, India, and more. While a Porters five forces analysis applies to all companies competing in one same industry, what differs is that those firms’ profitability will vary between them. This is because of their own competitive advantages and varying business models. So just because all firms in one industry and market are subject to the same forces doesn’t mean they perform equally. We should not forget that an analysis of Porters five forces will not be the same in all countries and same for the type of automotive industry, we understand by type whether if it’s the electric car industry or the conventional car industry. 4. Describe profile of successful business leader (or company) operating in this industry. Identify key elements of the strategy that lead her/him to success. Automotive Industry in Slovakia. (2016, Dec 08).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Concepts of Supply and Demand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Concepts of Supply and Demand - Essay Example Figure 1.0 below shows in detail what the elasticity of demand portends for the price and quantity of a given item as a function of graphic analysis. Of course it cannot always be understood that price elasticity of demand will be a primal motivating factor (Fouquet, 2012). Due to the fact that the market for many goods and services has a very inelastic price elasticity of demand, the actual level of demand that consumers express bears little relation to the price that is being offered for the commodity. Figure 1.0 Source: Marban, Zwaan, Grigoriev, Hiller, & Vredeveld, 2012 This particular graph is indicative of an elastic demand curve. It is important to bear in mind that the demand curve is not steeply sloping; rather, it exhibits a gradual decline as price fluctuates. Naturally, determinants such as consumer time horizon will greatly impact the total elasticity that is represented in the above representation by elongating and flattening the demand curve as a result of the fact tha t the consumer believes that the cost is likely to change within the near future (Chai & Moneta, 2010). Similar changes to the demand curve will also be noted if/when changes to the consumer’s income are noted and/or if the availability of substitutes weakens or strengthens the demand that has hitherto been illustrated. Cross price elasticity Similarly, â€Å"cross price elasticity†is a term that is used to measure the responsiveness of the demand for a given good to the change in price of a competing good. This level of change is given as a percentage point and is derived as a function of measuring the percentage change in price of the secondary good/commodity (Marban, Zwaan, Grigoriev, Hiller & Vredeveld, 2012). As a quick example, if the price of shipping were to increase by 10% and the price of the finished good itself were to decrease by 25%, the following formula would be used to calculate the cross price elasticity of the given good: -25/10= -2.5. In this way, the reader can see the level to which competing goods/commodities play with relation to the elasticity of demand for a given product within the marketplace (Khan, 2012). An important fact to note is that the question of whether the cross price elasticity is positive or negative denotes whether or not the given good/commodity in question is either complimentary or supplementary of the primary good. Negative cross elasticity means that two products are compliments whereas a positive means that they are supplementary to each other. Figure 2.0 represents the graphical interpretation of cross price elasticity. Figure 2.0 Source: Arak & Spiro, 1973 Income elasticity Thirdly, this brief analysis will consider the term â€Å"income elasticity.†This can be described as the responsiveness of demand for a given good or service to the change in the overall income of the individuals who are demanding the item. In much the same way as the previous term was calculated, income elasticity is calculated as the percentage change in the demand as compared to the percentage change in the income of the affected consumer base (Fouquet, 2012). In this way, the observer could calculate a 10% increase in income as compared to the demand for a good increasing by 20% as 20%/10%=2. Figure 3.0 illustrates the decreasing demand for a product as a function of reducing incomes of the affected population that would otherwise serve as the primary consumers of the given good/service/commodity. Figure 3.0 Sources: Fouquet, 2012 Increases in consumer spending/income would
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