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Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Do Teenagers And Drugs Abuse - 1196 Words
This investigation has been written for those attempting to help drugs users, with the practical aim of aiding them to improve their work with individuals and to develop their services. â€Å"Teenagers and drug abuse†is highly increase day by day. This study will be conducted to identify the cause of the tendency. My investigation will be based on interview and investigation that some people have done and suggest the way to eliminate this dangerous situation. Is has represents a move away from the over – simple view of drugs users as being either motivated – not motivated to stop using drugs (with the implication that only motivated users can be helped) Introduction ‘Research can be†¦show more content†¦Also there is much debate currently over these issues and I find it very interesting. Aims and objectives The aims of this investigation is to identify why teenagers are addicted to drugs and how dangerous they are and different opinion on them and to find out what helps and advice that can be given to young people. Also to know who are the high common drugs used, what the different types of illegal drugs identify the risk, to recommend how the problem can be solve and what Government are doing to help? There are a number of different purposes of research project. The most common ones are: †¢ To review exiting knowledge †¢ To describe some situation or problem †¢ The construction of something novel †¢ Explanation I have chosen to research on â€Å"Teens and Drug which I feel it is a very important issue within the society and their use increasing within young people Over some years, I have seen some young people taking illegal drugs in the UK and all of them know the side effect of it, for this reason alone I feel that it is vital to further into how they affect one s health life and how unsafe they are really are. They way young people are taking illegal is becoming more popular and apparent in many place like secondary school, college and university student. To carry out this investigation successfully both primary and secondary
Monday, December 16, 2019
Congress Essay Free Essays
More or less zero. The way things look right now, there is no chance that Republicans in Congress are going to feel as if they have any reason to cooperate with Obama. They are going to oppose him on everything important and hope that they can beat him next November President President Obama has recently introduced a number of reforms and job stimulus ideas, all of which have been rejected or tabled by the Republican controlled House of Representatives. We will write a custom essay sample on Congress Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both Obama’s introducing them (knowing they had no chance) and the House rejecting them (knowing an election is coming) were political moves timed to position themselves for running in the strongest possible environment. I think both sides know they cannot fix the economy by next November, so they are trying to impress upon voters who they should blame for it. Obama’s window of opportunity was from 2009-midterm elections in 2010. Unless something seriously alters the political dynamic between now and next fall, Republicans in Congress will â€Å"play to their base,†and thus see compromise as politically lethal. There are very few aspects of Obama’s agenda that stand a chance of getting through Congress, I think My first pick is Franklin D. Roosevelt. He faced so much hardship in his time of office (the Great Depression and World War II). He was elected to rescue the nation from its worst economic crisis ever! FDR exuded hope to people accustomed to despondency. Acting immediately, in his fabled first hundred days in office, FDR enacted much of the framework of his â€Å"New Deal†economic program, which was to get Americans working again, even if it cost the government a fortune to do it. He created agency after agency in an attempt to put people to work. Roosevelt also looked to protect Americans at risk of impoverishment by establishing federal programs to support individuals financially with programs like Social Security and the establishment of a national minimum wage; Roosevelt protected unions with the passage of the National Labor Relations Act. My second choice, which my wife thought I was insane for, is Richard Nixon. Love him or hate him, the late 1960s and early 1970s were all about Richard Nixon. He entered office with the undeclared war in Southeast Asia as the nation’s albatross, and personally directed its prosecution. Without a mandate to do so, he escalated the conflict, and then shifted the emphasis from ground forces to air power, and eventually negotiated with the North Vietnamese. He successfully split the Soviets and the Chinese from Hanoi by playing the two superpowers off against each other, and then initiated the foreign policy objective of Detente to reduce tensions between the East and West. In doing so, Nixon laid the groundwork for much that was to follow. Domestically, he implemented new economic policies and rallied the â€Å"silent majority†to action. The only real threat to Richard Nixon was, in the end, himself. Were it not for his self-inflicted wounds, his presidency would have been seen as an unmitigated triumph. How to cite Congress Essay, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Infective Endocarditis free essay sample
Ariane had her tongue and nose pierced 6 weeks ago. The drug screen is negative. She presents with tricuspid insufficiency murmur grade II, and a temperature of 104 °F. The patient complains of extreme fatigue, and anorexia. The echocardiogram reveals vegetations on the tricuspid valve. What risk factors predisposed Ms. Waters to develop infective endocarditis? Body piercings can be major risk factors for infected endocarditis, especially the tongue piercing since the oral cavity is a main port of entry for the infective endocarditis organisms. Explain the pathophysiology of infective endocarditis as it relates to this case. Endocarditis is a noncontagious chronic infection of the valves or lining of the heart chambers, mainly caused by bacteria, although fungi can also be associated with this infection. To develop this infection, you need to have some bacteria or fungi in the bloodstream. The blood usually does not contain any bacteria or fungi. However, some may get into the blood if you have an infection or wound in another part of the body. We will write a custom essay sample on Infective Endocarditis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In particular, dental and mouth infections are situations where bacteria can quite easily get into the bloodstream. In this case, an infection with tongue piercing would be an easy portal. In time, small clumps of material called vegetations may develop on infected valves. The vegetations contain bacteria or fungi, small blood clots, and other debris from the infection. The vegetations may prevent affected valves from opening and closing properly. What additional clinical manifestations should the nurse include in the ssessment of the patient? The nursing assessment will include monitoring for s/s of heart failure which would include: crackles in the lungs, edema, SOB, cough, changes in VS, jugular vein distention. Small bits may break off from the vegetations on the infected heart valves. These are called infected emboli and get carried in the bloodstream, and lodge in other parts of the body. This can cause various symptoms for example: †¢ Small spots may appear under fingernails, in the eyes, or on other parts of the body. †¢ Infections may develop in other parts of the body. The spleen may enlarge, as it is the main organ that fights off blood infections. †¢ If a larger chunk of vegetation breaks off then it can block the blood flow in a main artery. For example, if it gets stuck in an artery in the brain it can cause a stroke or sudden loss of vision in one eye. What medical management should the nurse anticipate for the patient? This patient will most likely be prescribed IV antibiotics for the first 4-6 weeks (assuming the infection is caused by bacteria). The most common drug therapy would include Penicillin or Cephalosporin. In most cases, the patient is hospitalized for the first few days, and then discharged home for the remainder of treatment. However, if complications to the heart or to other parts of the body develop, the patient may require additional drug therapy for example, medicines to counter heart failure, or erratic heartbeats, should they develop. In only a few cases, surgical intervention is needed. Some operations may include: †¢ Replacing a damaged valve with an artificial valve. †¢ Valve repair if the damage is less severe and repair is possible. Drainage of any abscesses (collections of pus) that may develop in the heart muscle or in other parts of the body. Assessments for infection and heart failure should be continuous. Blood cultures should be negative, VS should be within normal limits and the patient should not be showing s/s of heart failure at the time of discharge. Proper home care teachings will be provided. What nursing management should be provided for the patien t and family? The patient and her family should be taught to monitor for s/s of heart failure (stated above). They should be able to check for heart murmurs and assess VS for sign of infection-especially temperature. She will need adequate rest. The patient and her family should both be educated on aseptic technique to prevent an opportunity for more organisms to enter her body, especially during treatment. Teaching should also include how to administer IV antibiotics safely and care of the infusion site. The patient should be informed on proper oral care –such as brushing twice per day with a soft tooth brush staying away from devices that could contain bacterium.
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