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Saturday, January 25, 2020
Conditions for the Haber Process
Conditions for the Haber Process In this essay I will find out what are the best conditions for the production of the maximum yield in the Haber process, by running simulations of the Haber process at different conditions to determine the best conditions. From the Experiment I found that the lowest temperature possible and the highest pressure possible would provide the best conditions to operate the Haber process at for the maximum yield possible. Introduction The Haber process is an important Process used in chemical Industry to manufacture Ammonia from Nitrogen and Hydrogen that originate in the air. The reason why its very important is it turns an inert gas Nitrogen (N2) and a very volatile and reactive gas Hydrogen (H2) into ammonia which is a stable compound but reactive enough to be used in different aspects. Why was the Haber process discovered? During the First World War Britain Cut off Germany Supply route to Chiles salt peter natural deposits. Since the Allies (Russian Empire, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Australia, Italy, the Empire of Japan, Portugal and the United States) has gained control over the natural deposits of saltpetre from natural deposits found in Chile, therefore cutting off Germanys access to materials that the needed to produce necessary items such as food, guns, bombs other war materials.  Germany has to find ways to produce its own hence the Haber process which was discovered in 1909 by a German chemist named Fritz Haber to produce ammonia was set into industrial scale in 1913; the produced ammonia was later processed into a Synthetic Form of Chile saltpetre Introduction The Haber process is the process that uses extracted nitrogen from the atmosphere and reacts the nitrogen (N2) gas would react with 3 moles of hydrogen (H2) gas by using a medium temperature around 473K-673K (200- 400 °C) High atmospheric pressures such as 250 atmospheres (25331250 Pascal) and a catalyst to create ammonia (NH3). Due to advancements made to technology we are able to do reaction at extremely high temperatures such as 2300K (2026 °C) and we know that a reaction occurs faster when conducted at the highest temperature possible but the Haber processs success is not calculated on the speed of the reaction but on the yield of the ammonia that is produced during the reaction. Although increasing the temperate would surly increase the rate of reaction in a normal forward reaction the problem with using this method on the Haber process is its not a normal forward reaction type of reaction but is an equilibrium type of reaction. The Chateliers Principle states increasing the temperature will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the left side of the reaction resulting in a lower yield of ammonia because the forward reaction is exothermic. N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen Very High heat, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) ammonia Reducing the temperature will cause the equilibrium system to change the point of equilibrium to minimise the effect of the change, and hence it will produce more heat due to an increase the exothermic reaction therefore causing the wanted increase in the yield of ammonia. N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen Low heat, High pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) ammonia However, the rate of the reaction at very lower temperatures is exceptionally slow, and so a higher temperature should be used to increase the speed of the reaction which results in a lower yield of ammonia but a temperature low enough to create more ammonia than use in the reverse reaction hence we have the final equation is an which an above normal ammonia production. N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen High Temperature, Low pressure, catalyst http://www.avogadro.co.uk/chemeqm/eqm_sign.gif 2NH3(g) ammonia Increasing the pressure condition of the haber chamber causes the equilibrium position to shift to the right resulting in an increased yield of ammonia because ammonia has more gas molecules (more moles) on the left hand side or the forward reaction of the equation (4 in total 3 Hydrogen and 1 Nitrogen) than there are on the right hand side or backwards reaction of the equation (2 in total 2NH3). N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen High Temperature, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) ammonia Increasing the pressure means the system will have to adjust to reduce the effect of the change, which is reducing the pressure built up by reducing the amount of moles that can be located in the equilibrium reaction. Uses as ammonia One of nitrogens upper most important uses is in making ammonia (NH3), which is a colourless gas with a strong odour, similar to the smell of urine because urine contain some most definitely contains ammonia. The production of ammonia changes the non oxidation properties of nitrogen as the Oxidation reaction. Pharmaceuticals Used in the manufacture of drugs such as sulphonamide which inhibit the growth and multiplication of bacteria buy the removal of replacing the aminobenzoic acid for the synthesis of folic acids and minerals as well as vitamins and thiamine. Fertilizer An important usage of ammonia is in the making of fertilizers. Ammonia can be used directly as fertilizer by adding it to irrigation water because plants need a good supply of nitrogen in order to grow and which ammonia is able to provide. It is also used to produce the urea (NH2CONH2), which is also used as a fertilizer. Another important use of ammonia is to create nitric acid (HNO3), which is then also used to make fertilizer. The Haber Process didnt lonely provide the Germans with Saltpetre but revolutionized the agriculture industry with an increased yield in crop production enabling them to continue. Cleaning Products Many people use household ammonia as a disinfectant. Nitric acid-made form ammonia-is used in explosives. Ammonia is also used in the plastic industry and as a feed supplement for livestock. The dipole moment of this compound and this is consistent with its geometry, a triangular pyramid due to its electronic arrangement obeying the octet rule, Four pairs of electrons three bonding pairs and one lone pair repel each other giving the molecule the triangular pyramid shape of bond angles of 107 degrees is close to the tetrahedral angle of 109.5 degrees. The electronic arrangement of the valence electrons in nitrogen is described as sp3 hybridization of atomic orbitals. The NH3 molecules and their ability to make hyrodgen bonds explains thir polarity and high solubility of ammonia in water. A chemical reaction occurs when ammonia dissolues in water as it acts as a base acquiring a hydrogen ion from H2O to ammonium and hydroxides ions NH3(aq) + H2O(l) http://www.avogadro.co.uk/chemeqm/eqm_sign.gif NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq) The production of hydroxide ions when ammonia dissolves in water gives the solution of ammonia its alkaline characteristics (basic properties), The double arrow in the equation states that an equilibrium has been reached between the dissolved ammonia gas and ammonium ions The ammonium ion acts as a weak acid aqueous solution because it dissociates to form Hydrogen ion and ammonia. (Shakhashiri, 2008) This is why dissolved ammonia is used in cleaning products because its able to react with both and acid stain and alkaline stain meaning its an all round cleaning products even though the acid is weak its strong enough to deal with domestic stains. Explosives Sodium Nitrate is a Chemical compound with the chemical compound of NaNo3 has been referred to as Chile saltpetre before. And is produced by a reaction of a metal and an acid to produce a salt and is highly soluble in water. (Quote) Sodium Nitrate can be used as a fertilizer and as a material from the production of explosive gunpowder. Naturally gun powder is a rapid burning compound made of Carbon (C12) potassium nitrate, KNO3 and Sulfur and is used in guns because of its capacity to burn in a rapidly producing enough pressure to propel a bullet and not explode. (Quote) Sodium nitrate has antimicrobial properties when used as a food preservative. It can be used in the production of nitric acid by combining it with sulfuric acid. It can used as a substitute oxidizer used in fireworks as a replacement for potassium nitrate commonly found in gun powder. Because sodium nitrate can be used as a Phase Change Material it may be used for heat transfer in solar power plants. Imporantance of Nitrogen Nitrogen gas (N2) is often used as a substitution for air which is a mixture of 78% nitrogen 78%), Oxygen 20%, and 1% of other gases such as Water Vapour Argon and Carbon dioxide (0.03%). where oxidation is unwanted. One area for use is to maintain the freshness to food products by packaging them in nitrogen gas to reduce the fermenting of food due to its properties for preventing oxidization which can cause Rancid unpleasant odour or taste of decomposing oils or fats (http://www.school-for-champions.com/chemistry/nitrogen_uses.htm). Argon has been used as replacement for air in light bulbs to prevent the heated tungsten filament from reacting with the oxygen found in air because Argon is an inert gas but is expensive so ammonia can be reverted back to Nitrogen gas by the process gentrification to replace Argon in light bulbs and is cheaper inert material than Argon. Nitrogen is also used as a controlled storage and Transportation measure food packages due to its capacities to be used as a noble gas, to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables and is now used during storage to displace most of the oxygen in the containers http://www.igs-global.com/nitroswing/hdlg.htm, for the purpose of slowing down the reparation and deterioration of food as proven in biochemistry as in aerobic respiration 32 ATP molecules are created from one glucose molecules and 2 ATP molecules are created from one glucose molecule which is a clear sign that respiration and deterioration of food occurs at 16 times slower during anaerobic respiration which respiration without the presence of oxygen, than respiration occurring aerobically which is respiration with oxygen present. Investigation Design To do this Investigation I will be using a simulator that allow we to change the conditions of the Haber process chamber and notice the change in the yield and work out the direction that the equiliburm will take with extra options such as catalysis. Firstly I had to decide what the 2 variables I would be looking at during this investigation and decided that the dependant variable will be the yield of ammonia that I would receive from running the simulations. The Controlled variable will be the temperature and atmospheric pressure that the reaction will be taking place. Another variable that I looked at was if the reaction will be taking place in the presence of a catalyst of not. It was decide that due to the lack of acquiring two or more simulations that were able to run the haber process reaction in the presence of a catalyst The uncontrolled variable would be required in this reaction because the aim of the reaction is to achieve a dynamic equilibrium which is a reaction in which the forward reaction and backward reaction are equal in a closed environment. Meaning all variables and atoms present are controlled and accounted for. Set both simulations at the same pressure and temperature to and begin the reaction recorded both results and create a table of results and find the mean of both tables. Redo the experiment changing the controlled variables every time and recording the yield of the reaction at those conditions Create a Graph using both the mean table to display the results that where shown in the table. This Is the haber process taking place without the presence of an iron catalyst at the temperature of 300oC and 191 atmospheric pressure. Which will give me the amount of ammonia produced in grams and will be working out in percentage of the nitrogen used to allow compatibility of the 2 different simulations that one will be using. Is the Haber process taking place without the presence of an iron catalyst at the temperature that the Chateliers Principle indicates will be the most effective in the promotion of increasing the Yield. Because this Simulation cannot give the yield of the Haber process ammonia moles or grams I have to change the data received from the first simulation into compatible data. Results From these results obtained in the diagram above we notice an increase in yield as we increase the pressure of the reaction while keeping the temperature the same which agrees with the information placed in the beginning of the introduction which states icreasing the pressure will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the right side of the reaction resulting in an increased yield of ammonia since there are more gas molecules Simulation 2 (changing the Pressure but keeping the Temperature at 150) From these results obtained in the diagram above we notice an increase in yield as we increase the pressure of the reaction while keeping the temperature the same which agrees with the information placed in the beginning of the introduction which states the Chateliers Principle states increasing the temperature will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the left side of the reaction resulting in a lower yield of ammonia because the forward reaction is exothermic. And the 0.8 ( r) shows that there is a high positive correlation between the yield amount The Curve tends to show that if the pressure was increased any more that 1000 the increment in the production of ammonia may not be justified for the amount of effort that will be put into creating a haber process camber at that atmospheric pressure. The equilibrium expression for this reaction is: Keq = [NH3]2 [N2][H2]3 Temperature (oC) Keq 25 6.4 x 102 200 4.4 x 10-1 300 4.3 x 10-3 400 1.6 x 10-4 500 1.5 x 10-5 As the temperature of increases, the equilibrium constant decreases as the yield of the ammonia decreases. http://nawabi.de/chemical/ammonia.asp The results of the Ka test agree with the graphs that simulation 1 and simulation 2 provided. As the Ka increases the PH reduces towards the more acidic range meaning the NH3 concentration increases meaning for the best yield of the Haber process, industry must obtain the highest level Ka. Conclusion In conclusion the from the graphs and from the working out of the Keqi can state that the best conditions to process the haber process under is the lowest temperature that is usable because it increases the yield of the haber process in a linear regression which is a positive feedback increase in the yield of ammonia the optimized temperate was 200oC because it provided the highest yield. The other condition that was optimized during this experiment was pressure and after the experiment I found that the highest possible pressure is the optimum condition for this reaction to take place under. Because it gave the highest yield of ammonia compared to lower pressures which all provided lower yield. Evaluation The simulations that were used during this Essay were accurate enough to accept as possible theoretical yield but did not take into account of the possibility that some materials would be lost during the preparation for the haber process. It would have been better if I had more simulations and different type of simulations to check if the results I received from using these simulations were accurate or not and would increase the reliability of this experiment. The limitations to using this method were the some simulations couldnt operate a catalyst which limited the amount of results I was able to obtain and didnt factor in any cost effectiveness into the reaction. The haber process occurring in the presence of a catalysis does not affect the amount of NH3 that is produced by the reaction yet it only hastens the reaction by lowing the activation energy is takes for atoms to react. This would increase the rate of reaction without taking into consideration the geometric position that theses atoms need to react. A catalyst is a chemical that is used in a chemical reaction to speed up the rate of reaction with out the compound being used up in the reaction itself, meaning after the reaction the catalyst retains its structure and physical properties it had before the reaction took place. It works by lowering the activation energy of the reaction. The iron catalyst acts as a platform on which the Nitrogen and hydrogen atoms will bind on to before under going the reaction. The binding on to the catalyst is creates a transactional compound N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen Fe http://www.avogadro.co.uk/chemeqm/eqm_sign.gif 2NH3(g) ammonia Another Factor that I should have researched was the rate of reaction and possibly to the cost effectiveness of having a lower rate of reaction over the time effectiveness of having a high rate or reactions. Looking at the effect that the rate or reaction would have on at equilibrium And working out possible ways to reduce the forward reaction to increase the yield of ammonia by adding a rate determining step for the forward reaction to encourage the forward reaction to reaction and produce ammonia but would discourage the backward reaction from according either by adding third party molecule such Sulphuric acid to create ammonium sulphate and can easily to separated by heating to 235oC because it sublimes to create ammonia and sulphuric acid and the gases are at different weights meaning using a gases filtration method and condense then separately. (NH4)2SO4(s) NH3(g) + H2SO4(g) http://image.tutorvista.com/content/equilibrium/reversible-reaction-equilibrium-state.gif Another improvement would be to calculate the H of the reaction while looking at G and S of the reaction to allow to choose the most accurate best conditions for the reaction and most accurate cost effective option for the reaction. Because the having a positive H means the need more energy placed in which reduces the cost effectiveness of the reaction but may increase the yield of the ammonia while the G which measure reactions ability to reaction at room temperature which would increase the rate of reaction and the low temperature would mean the equilibrium would shift and allow the ammonia to be created in much more yield making the reaction cost effective and maximum conditions for the maximum yield. By working out the S and H I could use them to work out the amount of unused heat which is lost to the surroundings during the reaction, after this work out which reaction conditions provide the less heat lost to the surrounding while still providing an acceptable amount of yield. Af ter working out the H, G and S if would help me make a more informed decision on which of the reaction conditions provided current industry yield and cost and work out which conditions provided either current industry yield at a lower cost or improved yield at a higher cost and ultimately work out which conditions produced greatest yield and at the lost possible cost. Another improved for this experiment would be increasing the range of pressure that was used during the simulations because I noticed in the graphs that increasing the pressure post 1000 would make the production of ammonia not as effective as lower pressures are.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Impormasyon Tungkol sa Silangang Asia Essay
Our vision is to become the premier company in the baking industry and related food and beverage industry, known and emulated for our best quality products that delight the consumer. It is the pride of every employee, investor, trade partner and stakeholder. Our mission is to serve consumers with the best quality assortment of great-tasting bakery and related food and beverage products, with world-class manufacturing facilities and an efficient nationwide distribution network, thereby providing a fair return on shareholder investments. – Gardenia Our Vision is to be world class company and service provider of choice. Our mission is to provide our customers the best value in energy, products and services. – Meralco To create new value, excite and delight our customers through the best automotive products and services. With passion, pride and speed, we actively communicate with our customers to deliver insightful automotive products and services that exceed their expectations. – Mazda To take the lead in realizing San Miguel Corporation’s commitment to social development in the Company’s effort to contribute towards the improvement of life in the communities in which it operates and the public it serves. San Miguel Foundation, Inc. is committed to the empowerment of San Miguel host communities and various stakeholders by harnessing corporate social responsibility among the various San Miguel businesses in pursuing mutually beneficial programs that lead to self-reliance and sustainability. – San Miguel Corporation Our vision is put into an action through programs and focus on environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company. To be the world’s premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce financial reward to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honestly, fairness, and integrity. – PepsiCo Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. – Coca Cola By 2018, Landbank will be the top universal bank promoting inclusive growth and improving the quality of life especially in the country side through the delivery of innovative financial and other services in all provinces, cities and municipalities. To our clients: We will use the best technology and solutions to deliver responsive financial and support services to our clients while promoting sustainable development and environmental protection. To our Employees: We will develop and nurture talents that will exemplify the highest standards of ethics and excellence consistent with the best in the world. – Landbank of the Philippines PNOC by 2025: A world class organization that executes the country’s energy strategy toward self- sufficiency, sustainability, stability of prices, and security of supply. Through the efforts and initiative of world class professionals, PNOC is committed to: 1. Develop and implement projects and programs in a financially prudent and responsible manner aimed at increasing the country’s self sufficiency level in oil, gas and other energy sources 2. ENSURE SECURITY OF SUPPLY: CONTRIBUTING TO ENERGY PRICE STABILITY AND AFFORDABILITY. 3. Foster sustainable and environmentally – friendly sources of energy: 4. Promote and maintain the highest standards of service and corporate governance – Phil. National Oil Company Be the leader in sustainable world – class transport infrastructure and services. We build and provide quality transport infrastructure and services to enable customers to experience the joy of safe travel, to drive and trade and commerce that stimulates the country’s socio – economic growth. – Manila North Tollways Corporation Mission We find creative ways to make every click, call and touch work for you in every stage of your life in a way that is always human, meaningful and fun. VISION: Happiest employees, customers, shareholders. – Globe telecom
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Movie Shine - 845 Words
Film Critique: Shine 1. The movie never refers to a particular disability it lets the viewer have different opinions on what David’s disability may be. According to Drugs.com description of the symptoms shown by David Helfgott, leads to the conclusion that he has a disability called Schizotypal personality disorder. Schizotypal personality disorder is mainly when a person appears to be odd from others, have a different appearance, behavior, or a different way of viewing the things we see as â€Å"normal†. Some of the symptoms to this disorder are as said before, acting in an unusual, unique way, having a particular way of dressing themselves, day dreaming, having few friends, being awkward with others, amongst many other symptoms. According to the website PubMed, Schizotypal personality disorder is a recent psychiatric nosological concept developed by Spitzer at the end of the 1970s. It is known that this disorder is upon someone because of his or her own experience, for example, if on e of the family members is schizophrenic, in David’s position it would be Peter his father. David attained this disability because of his abusive father. David’s father Peter has pressured him since he was a child to always â€Å"Win Win Win†, as he would say, he had no tolerance for failure. When Peter was a child he wished to play the violin but his father would not allow him and shatter his violin into pieces so he would not play it ever again. Peter obsessed with making David perfect andShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The Stepford Wives 974 Words  | 4 Pagesget to choose exactly what they want to hear, so their robotic wives are nothing less than perfection. The women of Stepford were led by Joanna and Bobbi, the two women rights activists in town. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Innovation of Hydrothermal Synthesis from the Past and...
INNOVATION OF HYDROTHERMAL SYNTHESIS FRON THE PAST PRESENT Traditional Hydrothermal Synthesis since the end of the 19th century, hydrothermal synthesis of inorganic materials has been carried out. It is defined as the precipitation of these materials from aqueous solutions at temperatures above the boiling point and at pressures greater than ambient pressure. This method is actually environmentally because it does not require any organics or additional processing such as calcinations. That is the reason why it has been widely used for synthesis of a wide range of materials especially metal oxides such as hematite and quartz. Hydrothermal synthesis of quartz was demonstrated several decades ago and now currently used commercially. The traditional hydrothermal synthesis method is carried out in an autoclave type reactor where an aqueous solution is heated slowly to a certain temperature and then aged for several hours or days. In the case of the formation of metal oxides, hydrothermal synthesis method is generally involve two reactions which are hydrolysis of the meal salts followed by dehydration. M(NO ) x + xH O = M(OH) x + xHNO (Hydrolysis) H O x M OH x MOx / 2 2 2 ( ) = + (Dehydration) This method is normally at around 373-473 K. During the heat-up period, the above reactions take place to produce nuclei and eventually crystals. During hydrothermal reactions resulting in materials with the desired microstructure and properties, the homogeneous nucleation and grainShow MoreRelatedWhat Are Zeolites?2215 Words  | 9 Pageswithin the square brackets) composed of 2 aluminate tetrahedra and 4 silicate tetrahedra with a total of 12 oxygen’s. A total of 6 balancing cations are present to regulate the negative charge, and there are 6 water molecules in the cavities. Naturally occurring zeolites are mined from numerous places in the world; however, most are extracted from western America and New Zealand. Zeolites are made synthetically by scientists and engineers in order to study their chemical and physical properties, allowing
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